Four Things You Didn’t Know Google Could Do

 Where would the world be without Google? That’s a good question, someone should probably Google it. When one thinks “search engine”, the word Google immediately springs to mind. The name is so popular that the word “Google” was even officially added to the dictionary as a verb meaning to “search for something online”. With a tool that we all use daily, you would think that we would know all there is to know about it already, but you would be mistaken. Google loves adding little Easter Eggs, hidden gems, which leave you smiling. Here are four of my all-time favourite tricks of the trade.

Atari Breakout (Google Image Search)

If you ever played old-school arcade games, you are sure to know of Atari’s legendary ‘brick busting’ game, Breakout. Simply type the words “Atari breakout” in an image search and watch as the image results transform into the classic game. Be warned though, you may find that the time seems to magically fly by once you start playing. Totally worth it though!

Google Gravity

Ever wondered what it would be like to Google in space? Wonder no longer! Watch as each element of a normal Google page loses gravity and falls to the bottom of your screen, while stillbeing completely functional.Squeal with joy as your search results fall, hold your mouse click over them to pick them up and fling them around recklessly. Although this feature is no longer implemented on Google you can still experience all the fun by searching “Google Gravity” and clicking on the first link.

Let Me Google That for You (LMGTFY)

Ever been in the situation where someone seems to think that you are Google, constantly asking you stupid questions? This great feature will put that person in their place, and hopefully teach them a lesson or two on the beauty of Google. Here’s how it works: Say someone keeps asking you what the website address for “Jackgold” is, simply go to and search for “Jackgold”. This will generate a URL which will direct the person to an animated Google page that will type in the requested search automatically and hopefully return the answer, in this case.

Do a Barrel Roll (Google Search)

It says it all in the name. Google search “Do a barrel roll” and watch as your entire Google page performs a 360 degree roll. This awesome trick is a great way to confuse old people, and leave your friends jumping up and down in complete ecstasy.

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