Know your exact location with your Android phone

 Android phones have changed our world. They are so highly equipped that they are capable of making everything easy around us. There are millions of apps available, which will be helping us in their own ways.  Right from some unit converting apps to the highly complicating apps, you can have anything over your phone. Your app could be helping you with units, with meetings, running with time and many many more.

You should know that with the Google map of android, you could know about your current locations. Sounds cool? Doesn’t it?

how to find current location in google maps android

Yes the concept is quite new and exciting. This will help you know where you are on the globe at the very moment. The app helping you with this is very simple, and you too could use the codes available for developing an app for yourself. Now days it’s very easy and simple to develop an app for yourself. What one does is that just takes a step to make use of his/her android phone in his daily life. You feel the need of an app, you get the idea and then use the plug-ins to develop an Android app.

The google map – Never get lost again

The google map in android, uses the wireless network to know your location on earth. What it does is that, it sends signals and then receives them. This whole reflection thing, help the google map to get your latitude and longitude. The signals coming out of your mobile is the source of your position tracking. If you switch off the wireless network, you lose your position.

For knowing your location, you have to get google map installed on your Android handset. Then you link it to the network. You should run google map and then wait for the picture to get clear. Your location will pop up with exact longitudes and latitude.

You can also get codes for learning your location. You can develop your own app, to use google map in android. The codes are simple and easily available over internet. Making something from your own is a great experience, writing code yourself for an Android app and then running it to get your location on the globe is just amazing.

Your own app for finding exact location

The google map is made all very easy. You don’t have much to do with that, just get a location manager attached to it and then feed some required coding. You don’t need to be a star coder or something, the programming for location finders are very easy, especially when you are running it with android google map. The code syncs well with the wireless network, catches all the reflected signals and gives you an accurate position over the phone. You find yourself on the globe with exact longitudes and latitudes.

This location thing can help you in many ways. For example you can take that if you are on a trek then you could use the app to move in the correct direction. You could tell people you exact locations to find you in case you get lost and much more other help is there that you could get from your current location.

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