ways to get rid of computer addiction

 Steps you can take to get rid of computer addiction

Computers are so cool that many of us get addicted to it. If we limit our area of concerned population, we could see that maximum number of computer addicted are teens or young people. Computer addiction could be anything like addiction of computer games  or addiction of the internet. Addiction can be anything regarding computers and somehow or the other, all computer addictions are really harmful.

How does it happen?

We are so fond of computer games or internet or watching stuff over computer that we get lost in time. Holding no records, we just go on with our screens, having completely no idea about time. This addiction makes us dull, we lose care for the real world and our world gets concise to that screen and keyboard. Computer addiction could actually be an addiction of gambling, porn or video games, so if you have to deal with computer addiction you need to take serious steps for the same.

  • Cut hours of sitting in front of a computer

First basic measure that you could take for cutting your computer addiction is that reduce hours in front of the screen. If you are using your computer for 6 hours suppose, then try to convince yourself for 5 hours tomorrow. Yes it’s very hard to convince yourself with anything such and would need a lot of determination to do that. This is the best and simplest thing that you could do.

  • Take the Bigger step

If not successful with this, then it’s time to take the big step. Try to get busy with other stuff. Keep switching off your computer system as soon as your job is done on it. Keep yourself reminding you have other jobs to do in real world. Things are waiting for you outside and you have to get legit away from system. Frequent on off will consume time and the irritation involved in it will compel you to be away from it.

  • Socialize in the real world

The next step could be friends. Yes try hanging o
ut with friends. Its pretty sure that computer addiction must have made you a bit unsocial. You must have created friends in the virtual world, so if you want to get rid of your addiction get your virtual friends go and you make some real one. Hanging out and sharing with friends will help you put your computer off. Instead of playing games with the intelligence and capabilities of a computer, give human a chance.

Now time to know what you really are addicted to? If these steps don’t work then you must be having an addiction of online gambling or porn. This is going to definitely need more of determination as you will have to talk to yourself that this addiction will lead you to trashes. Porn wouldn’t leave you any good, as it is simply a time consuming monster with no actual productivity for you. Quit watching it now, or go on losing your precious time.

If nothing works out believe it, there are rehabs too for this addiction. In these computer addiction rehab you are brought closer to real world, you are given back your senses for the real world back, so that you could live outside that digital surrounding of yours.

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