In Out Management Problem Solving | Blank Screen After Installation | Logout After 15 Minute Issue

 Blank Screen After Installation

Problem :

After installation using any method, When user run this URL (http://localhost/inout/login.php) users are getting blank page in Mozilla Firefox Browser, and Http 500 error in Google Chrome.


The problem is with php. It works on php 5.6 so you have to switch php 7 to php 5.6

Execute the following command in terminal.

sudo su

[Enter Password]

sudo a2dismod php8.0

*In above command php8.0 is your active php version. it can be 8.1, 8.2 or 8.3 please make sure this version by entering command php -v.

sudo a2enmod php7.4

sudo service apache2 restart

Logout After 15 Minute Issue

You have to change default session time in php.ini file.

To Open the file.

sudo mousepad /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini

A text editor will open. 

To find variable session.gc_maxlifetime Press Ctrl + F and paste this variable.

It'll find the session.gc_maxlifetime.In front of that the default value is 1440 second that is 24 Minutes.

Change this value to 14400 that is 4 hours.

After changing values Press Ctrl + S It'll save the file. Then exit by Pressing Ctrl + F4.

Hope this will helpful for you.

Thank you.

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